Old, and Some New, Photographs of Woodbridge & Melton

Market Hill




This photograph, taken in 1904, shows the buildings along the southern side of Market Hill.  A large section of the three storey building in the foreground of this photograph was timber framed.


The small timber framed building in of the middle of the photograph was once the home of Isaac Johnson who had considerable talents as a surveyor, artist and antiquarian draughtsman.  Beyond this house there were two large public houses.  They were The White House Inn and The Kings Head.


The White House Inn is just left of centre in this photograph.





This circa 1900 photograph shows the White House Inn in greater detail.  It was taken from the north-eastern corner of the Market Place.





By the time this photograph was taken in 1900 The Kings Head had become The Prince of Wales.  It is now a private residence.








The only other building on Market Hill to have been demolished was near the entrance to Seckford Street. When this photograph was taken in about 1900 only the outer walls of the building remained standing. The windows and doorways had been bricked up, presumably to create an enclosed courtyard.



The photograph was taken on market day.







This photograph, taken in 1918 on Armistice Day, shows the partly demolished building in greater detail.





By the time this photograph was taken the  partly demolished building had been taken away and the adjoining house had been enlarged and a double garage  had been built.


The double garage was set back from the  road by a courtyard.  When desired, two large wooden doors can be closed to block the entrance to the courtyard.



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