Old, and Some New, Photographs of Woodbridge & Melton

 The Thoroughfare-Eastern side













This pre 1900 photograph shows Savill and Dent, Saddler and Harness Maker, which occupied a timber framed building.












By 1900 the timber famed building had been replaced by more impressive brick built building which was occupied by C Markwell - The Peoples Tailor and Outfitter.



















This photograph shows much of the frontage of The Peoples Tailor and Outfitter.













The adjoining building is the Royal Oak Inn.  It had a rear courtyard which was reached via wide entrance by the Loder Printer sign.











Only two photographs were  two taken looking towards the junction of The Thoroughfare from the junction with Cumberland Street.  The orientation of both of them is thus different from the others.


The entrance to the yard of the Royal Oak Inn is on the left hand side of this photograph.














Entering the yard of the Royal Oak Inn.



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