Old, and Some New, Photographs of Woodbridge & Melton

The Thoroughfare-Eastern side

The Loder family had a long history being printers and book sellers.  By 1830 John Loder II took over a shop on The Thoroughfare.  At that time he is recorded as being a bookseller, stationer and printer.  He was dealing in patent medicine, music and musical instruments. By 1871 he is listed bookseller, printer, bookbinder, commercial and fancy stationer, news agent and music seller.


John Loder II was very active in the life of Woodbridge. He was on the Woodbridge Urban District Council and was its Chairman from 1897 to 1901.


John Loder II became embroiled in a libel action in 1879 and had to pay £100 damages. He was such a respected and trusted townsman that the inhabitants of Woodbridge set up a fund to pay the damages but he felt that he could not accept the £250 eventually raised.  Instead he used it to improve the town by having a channel dug to cut off the troublesome corner of the river by Kyson Point. An aerial photograph of this part of the river is shown on the right and the cut is marked by the white arrow. "Loder's Cut" runs through an extensive area of saltings which are covered at high tide and it has been a blessing to yachtsmen ever since.




















Smith’s butchers shop on The Thoroughfare was by the entrance to New Street.














Later photograph of Smith's butchers shop.











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