Old, and Some New, Photographs of Woodbridge & Melton

Theatre Street and Burkitt Road








The Royal William public house is on the far right of this circa 1900 photograph and the former house of correction is on the far left.  All of these buildings are grade II listed.


Next to the Royal William public house there is a terrace of three houses which can be identified by the black line near the bottom of the photograph. This terrace was eventually demolished sometime after the Royal William closed and reverted to being a private residence. The space created was used to enlarge the garden.
















Part of the garden can just be seen in this photograph.






This rather poor photograph of The Royal William is the only one which is available.




In 1804 Suffolk County Council built the House of Correction and subsequently Pound St was called Bridewell St. The austere premises replaced the jail, erected at Melton in 1164, for the 64 parishes of the Liberty of St Etheldreda. By 1842 all prisoners were sent to Ipswich and the building became a police station. It was converted into 5 houses after the new police station on Hasketon Rd was built in 1931.












This attractive perimeter wall of Woodbridge School runs along side Burkitt Road from the Bridewell Steps to the western entrance to the school.  The wall was built between 1895 and 1900 and it is in marked contrast with the ugly perimeter wall which runs alongside the Bredfield Road boundary of the school.



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